Procrastination is the enemy of hard work, often tricking us into long breaks, distracting activities, and mounting lists of tasks to finish. But it doesn’t have to be this way. With just a few key tips in mind, you can stop being a procrastinator and start getting your work done quickly and efficiently!
- Write Out A To-Do List
One of the keys to getting work done is knowing what needs to be done and when it needs to be done. By putting all of your tasks into a complete list, you’ll have a greater grasp on everything that you need to do and when you need to do it. Often, motivation can come from seeing the due date or imagining your end goals. For more about to-do lists, visit our blog post here.
2. Build Momentum
Once your list is ready, start with the easiest items on your list and go from there. The easier tasks will, of course, require less time to get going and crossing items off of your to-do list will give you boosts of motivation to keep going.
3. Take Smaller Breaks
We’re not all machines – sometimes it can be tough to keep going all day, day after day, working on our tasks. Sometimes, you just need a break. But taking an all-day break that’s too long (and keeps going) is one of the sure ways to fall into procrastinator mode. Instead, try alternating a couple of hours of work with a short 10-minute break for a snack or a walk outside. This will help clear your mind without the danger of falling into an all-day Netflix binge break.
4. Use Digital Smartphone Apps As Tools
There are numerous smartphone mobile apps available for Apple iOS and Android systems that can help with task management, to-do lists, and time management. They can track your work, organize your schedules, and provide alerts or updates as you move along. To read about our top five picks for to-do list mobile apps, click here.
5. Keep Your Energy Up
It’s always difficult to focus and work when you’re tired. If you have a goal, it’s always easier to keep going if you have the energy. This can be both mental and physical, affecting getting proper sleep, eating a healthy diet, and exercising when you can. This ties back into our #3 tip and you can always use your short day breaks to eat healthy, exercise, or decompress.
We know it can be difficult to keep procrastination away but a dose of daily motivation is always helpful. Our Let’s Close To Open collection features apparel, journals, digital downloads, and more featuring Resolve Buster’s mission to keep chasing Unfinished Businesses in order to achieve more Fulfilled Will. Resolve Buster’s mission can be your inspiration to prevent becoming a procrastinator!