Happy New Year ConnectingHope fans! We hope you had a terrific New Year’s Eve and started 2022 full of love and hope.
It’s a brand-new year and time for some transformations. But that’s not all … we’ve got Chinese New Year fast approaching too. Lunar New Year falls on February 1st this year, bringing with it even more potential changes.
Based on ancient Chinese astrology, this is the Year of the Water Tiger—a time of ambition, competitiveness, communication and impulsiveness. It should be a fabulous time for learning new things, gaining self-confidence and getting creative.
As we get closer to the new lunar year, we’re super excited to introduce our second monthly mascots: Kai and Kika. The adorable tiger twins are happy, loving and ooze positivity, despite their two very different characters.
Meet Kai and Kika and their New Year Resolutions!
Kai, whose name means Sea in Hawaiian, is the more logical sibling, while Kika, whose name means Tiger, loves to walk more on the wild side. They always look at things differently, yet can still reach their goals with confidence.
We can learn a lot from the cute cartoon siblings, like how to go your own way to keep your new year resolution(s) and how to build self-confidence while still doing you.
Many people make a resolution to exercise more in the new year. But what does this mean? Is it going for an early morning jog each day? Is it lifting weights or getting your heart pounding on cardio equipment? Is it taking a dance class or learning martial arts? From team sports and hiking to swimming and pole dancing, there are tons of ways to exercise.
Kai prefers to hit the gym. Kika, on the other hand, loves nothing more than getting her step count up while walking around the shops. Both are exercising, in very different ways. You too can exercise in your own way; there’s no right or wrong!
If one of your new year resolution ideas is to lose weight, you may be thinking of ways to improve your diet. Look at Kai and Kika …
Kai relishes sinking his teeth into something meaty, whereas Kika prefers a veggie-friendly lifestyle. (It’s anime—tigers can be vegetarian!) Both can achieve their goals of losing weight following the diets that best suit them. You too. You can lose weight and improve your health in your own way.
When it comes to learning, Kai buries his nose in a science text book, while Kika loses herself in comics. Both can be ways of learning, so you too can learn in your own way.
New Year, New Wave
It’s a new year, it’s a new wave, it’s the time for doing things your way!
Create your own unique resolutions—there’s no need to follow the crowd—and look to improve the things that actually matter to you. If your to do list is overwhelming, rip it up and start again. Think outside the box, ignore conventions and find your own groove. You’ll quickly find that there are tons of ways to do the same tasks, each with positive results. Just like our lovely animated tigers!
Whether you are looking for ways to beat boredom, searching for how to improve your self-confidence, want to know how to have a better work-life balance or are yearning for a better quality of life overall, remember: you can do it all your way.
Check out our range of handy products for tons of tiger-roaring motivation and to help make today your best day.